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Tapped and Untapped Competencies

How to use this information to your benefit.

There is so much more to employee competencies than simply having them and knowing what they are. In this article, we would like to show you how you can use this newfound information to better benefit your employees as well as your organization.

First off, let's imagine all the competencies that either an individual, department, or organization may have. You will be able to view these competencies in Claira and compare them to the competencies that you need each role to have so your organization is working like a well-oiled machine

First, you might be wondering what 'tapped' and 'untapped' competencies even are.

    • Tapped Competencies - competencies required for the role that an individual also possesses 
    • Untapped Competencies - competencies not required for the role but that the individual possesses

Now, let's get to analyzing an individual's competencies.

To see an individual's competencies and compare them to the competencies you listed for the role, you will need to access "Organization" --> "People", after identifying the person's name --> "view details" --> "competencies".

Once you have selected "competencies" you will see the list of competencies the employee possesses on the left (generated through the onboarding questionnaire). On the right, you will see the labels "yes" and "no" based on whether or not the competencies this person has are being used for the role.


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To help you filter through tapped and untapped competencies for this individual, you can use the filter to help you focus on the ones that you are interested in seeing.


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Moving over to ''Role Coverage", you will be able to see a numerical representation of this individual's role competencies, person competencies, gaps, close matches, and perfect matches. Hover over each one to see what they represent and click on them to expand for more details.


Screenshot 2022-11-08 at 12.03.21Gaps - competencies that are required for a role but that the individual does not possess.


If you scroll further down to "Role Requirements", you can see that we created a different visual with a list of all the role's competencies on the left, and to the right, you will have either gap, close match, or perfect match.


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You can also view competencies by department. To do so, you will select '''Organization'' --> ''Department''  --> ''Competencies'' and from there you will have access not only to the full list of competencies that are required in your department but also the ones that your employees possess that were captured through the onboarding questionnaire. So, don't be alarmed if you see a competency such as "compile cooking recipes" present in the list for your legal department :)


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To see a full list of your organization's competencies, you can go to ''Organization'' --> ''Competencies'', search for something specific in the search bar, or scroll through the list and see the number of people who have each competency.


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You can also click ''View Details'' to see a breakdown and learn which people, departments, roles, or locations have that specific competency.


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